perm filename REPN.BIB[RDG,DBL]1 blob sn#644401 filedate 1982-02-23 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	@Comment{ Representation Systems - Theory }
C00008 00003	@Comment{ Actual Representation Systems }
C00012 00004	@Comment{ RLL things }
C00015 ENDMK
@Comment{ Representation Systems - Theory }

Key = "Levesque",
Author = "Levesque, Hector, and Mylopoulos, John",
Title = "A Procedural Semantics for Semantic Networks",
Booktitle = "Associative Networks", Editor = "Nicholas V. Findler",
Publisher = "Academic Press", Year = 1979, Pages = "93-120")

Key = "Minsky",
Author = "Minsky, Marvin", Title = "A Framework for Representing Knowledge",
BookTitle = "The Psychology of Computer Vision", Editor = "P. Winston",
Publisher = "McGraw-Hill", Address = "New York", Year = 1975)

Key = "SIGART",
Author = "Brachman, R. & Smith, B. (eds.)",
Title = "SIGART Newsletter", Number = "70", Month = FEB, Year = 1980,
Publisher = "ACM Special Interest Group in Artificial Intelligence",
Address = "",
Note = "Special Representation Issue")

Key = "Findler",
Editor = "Findler, Nicholas V.", Title = "Associative Networks",
Address = "New York", Publisher = "Academic Press", Year = 1979)

Key = "Bobrow",
Author = "Bobrow, D.G. and Winograd, T.",
Title = "An Overview of KRL, a Knowledge Representation Language",
BookTitle = "5-IJCAI", Organization = MIT, Month = AUG, Year = 1977)

Key = "Brachman",
Author = "Brachman, Ron",
Title = "What's in a Concept: Structural Foundations for Semantic Networks",
Journal = "International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 9",
Pages = "127-152", Month = OCT, Year = 1976,
Note = "(BBN report 3433)")

Author = "Brachman, Ron",
Key = "Brachman",
Title = "On the Epistemological Status of Semantic Networks",
Booktitle = "Associative Networks", Editor = "Nicholas V. Findler",
Publisher = "Academic Press", Year = 1979, Pages = "3-49")

Key = "Quillian",
Author = "Quillian, M. R.",  Title = "Semantic Memory",
Booktitle = "Semantic Information Processing", Editor = "Marvin Minsky",
Publisher = "MIT Press", Address = "Cambridge, Massachusetts", Year = 1965,
Pages = "227-270")

Key = "Sandewall",
Author = "Sandewall, Erik", Title = "Ideas about Management of LISP Data Bases", 
Booktitle = "4-IJCAI", Organization = "Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR", 
Month = "3-8 September", Year = 1975, Pages = "585-591")

Key = "Schubert",
Author = "Schubert, Lenhart K., Goebel, Randolph G., and Cercone, Nicholas J.",
Title = "The Structure and Organization of a Semantic Net for Comprehension
and Inference", Booktitle = "Associative Networks", Editor = "Nicholas V. Findler",
Publisher = "Academic Press", Year = 1979, Pages = "121-175")

Key = "Smith",
Author = "Smith, Brian", Title = "Levels, Layers, and Planes:
The Framework of a System of Knowledge Representation Semantics",
Note = "Artificial Intelligence Laboratory", School = MIT, Year = 1977)

Key = "Stefik",
Author = "Stefik, Mark J.", Title =
"An Examination of a Frame-Structured Representation System", 
Booktitle = "6-IJCAI", Organization = "Tokyo", Month = AUG, Year = 1979)

Key = "Woods",
Author = "Woods, W. A.",  Title = "What's in a Link,
Foundations for Semantic Networks", Editors = "D. G. Bobrow & A. M. Collins",
BookTitle = "Representation and Understanding", Publisher = "Academic Press",
Year = 1975)

@Comment{ Actual Representation Systems }

Key = "Smith",
Author = "Smith, Reid G. and Friedland, Peter",
Title = "Unit Package User's Guide",
Month = DEC, Year = 1980,
Note = "(HPP-80-28, and Defence Research Establishment Atlantic # 80/L)")

Key = "Hewitt",
Author = "Hewitt, Carl F., Attardi, Guiseppe, and Simi, Maria",
Title = "Knowledge Embedding in the Description System Omega",
Booktitle = "1-AAAI",
Organization = SU, Year = 1980, Pages = "157-163")

Key = "Mackinlay",
Author = "Mackinlay, Jock and Genesereth, Michael",  Title = "DB Reference Manual",
Note = "Internal HPP Memo", Month = AUG, Year = 1980,
Volume = "2", Year = 1971, Pages = "189-208")

Key = "Fahlman",
Author = "Fahlman, S. E.",
Title = "NETL: A System for Representing and Using Real-World Knowledge",
Publisher = "MIT Press", Address = "Cambridge, Massachusetts", Year = 1979)

Key = "Fikes",
Author = "Fikes, R. F., and Nilsson, N.J.", Title =
"STRIPS: A New Approach to the Application of Theorem Proving to Problem Solving",
Journal = "Artificial Intelligence: An International Journal",
Volume = "2", Pages = "189-208", Year = 1971)

Key = "Hewitt",
Author = "Hewitt, Carl F.",
Title = "Description and Theoretical Analysis (using schemata) of PLANNER:
a language for Proving Theorems and Manipulting Models in a Robot",
Institution = "MIT AI Laboratory", Number = "TR-258", Year = 1972]

Key = "McDermott",
Author = "McDermott, Drew and Sussman, Gerald",
Title = "The Conniver Reference Manual", Organization = "MIT AI Laboratory",
Note = "TR-?", Year = 1974)

Key = "Roberts",
Author = "Roberts, R. B., and Goldstein, Ira P.", Title = "FRL Users' Manual",
Note = "A.I. Memo 408",
Organization = "Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT",
Address = "Cambridge, Massachusetts", Year = 1977)

Key = "Szolovits",
Author = "Szolovits, Peter, Hawkinson, Lowell B., and Martin, William A.",
Title = "An Overview of OWL, A Language for Knowledge Representation",
Number = "MIT/LCS/TM-86", Institution = MIT,
Month = JUN, Year = 1977)

@Comment{ RLL things }

Key = "Greiner",
Author = "Greiner, Russell and Lenat, Douglas B.", 
Title = "A Representation Language Language",
Booktitle = "1-AAAI",
Organization = SU, Pages = "165-169",
Month = AUG, Year = 1980)

Key = "Genesereth",
Author = "Genesereth, Micheal R.", 
Title = "Metaphors and Models",
Booktitle = "1-AAAI",
Organization = SU, Pages = "208-211",
Month = AUG, Year = 1980)
@Comment< Must read.  A different view/use of analogy.
View: as shared partial theory (see my proposal)
Use: to use efficient data structures
This paper is unfortunately, difficult to understand.
(my subtitle: "What is the Meta in Metaphor For?")>

Key = "Greiner",
Author = "Greiner, Russell", 
Title = "RLL-1: A Representation Language Language",
Number = "HPP-80-9",
Type = WP, 
Institution = CSDSU,
Month = OCT, Year = 1980)

Key = "Greiner",
Author = "Greiner, Russell and Lenat, Douglas B.", Title = "Details of RLL-1",
Number = "HPP-80-23",
Type = WP, 
Institution = CSDSU,
Month = OCT, Year = 1980)

Key = "Genesereth",
Author = "Genesereth, Micheal, Greiner, Russell, and Smith, David", 
Title = "MRS Manual",
Note = "HPP Working Paper HPP-80-24", Month = DEC, Year = 1980)